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  1. I stumbled through 5s tonight but the knee is not good at all. Need to get the Rooney cryochamber on the go.
  2. I'm not going to match as it stands, sure others aren't either.
  3. Looking forward to it! I'm staying over at some shite hotel if folk are out later. keen to find some good beers, which is never usually hard!
  4. Apple now too if you actually wanted to watch every game you'd need about 10 subscriptions
  5. Is it likely to be no earlier than 10? Just so can sort travel. I assume getting to Central at 9.30 is fine.
  6. I'll stay over on the 11th so up for food and some beverages afterwards
  7. He was one of my favourites growing up and the frustration towards him, from me at least, was due to how many games he missed. Towards the end of his time, I remember him finally returning after a long absence and how electrifying he was. Looked a level above.
  8. Mine was near mint condition, M 95/96 away kit. Got £99.99 + £5.99 postage for it in the end which seemed OK. I had it listed for higher and got some interest but no bids. This is the listing if you can see it. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204439144686?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=r8j4jxrgrpi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=r8j4jxrgrpi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. Absolutely hideous at least watch it on TV and hide the fact you're a massive pervert. Pure sitting in the stands bashing away at the long fella while Hendo does sideways passes.
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